A World Lost...

A World Lost in the Scroll

In a world driven by screens and superficial connections, we often find ourselves lost in the pursuit of lives that aren’t our own. "A World Lost in the Scroll" explores the dissonance between our educated minds and the emptiness we feel, as we blindly follow the digital chaos, forsaking authenticity and real connection. This poem reflects on the erosion of trust, the loss of self, and the haunting truth that in chasing the illusion of a perfect life, we may have already lost everything that truly matters.


We are educated, yet we stumble,

eyes fixed on the artificial glow,

where we chase lives not our own,

and measure our worth by shadows.

Literate, yes, but trapped in the web,

we follow paths that lead to nowhere,

our own stories forgotten,

buried beneath the weight of borrowed lives.

Love once held meaning,

but now it’s an exchange of convenience,

trust, a fleeting illusion,

betrayal a currency in familiar hands.

Those we once believed in

turn away when the tide changes,

and we are left grasping at the empty air,

wondering if truth was ever more than a story.

We scroll endlessly,

consumed by lives that aren’t ours to live,

filling our voids with someone else’s joy,

while our own world quietly deteriorates.

We fight battles in the digital realm,

but the war within remains unseen,

our attention scattered,

too numb to notice the damage we’ve caused.

The air is thick with the burden of broken promises.

we pursue dreams that slip through our fingers,

and in the hollow pursuit of fleeting success,

we forget how to simply exist.

We built this world with our own hands,

and now it feels hollow,

as if something fundamental has vanished,

leaving only echoes of what we once had.

And when the silence settles in,

we realize that the true loss

wasn’t in the world around us,

but in the fragments of ourselves we abandoned,

Every one for a world that never really was.

By Sutanuka Mondal

From: India

Instagram: pride_in_brown

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/sutanuka.mondal.5?mibextid=ZbWKwL